“I can say I was very impressed with how quickly my advisor responded to my questions, as well as his knowledge about the information. I want to thank him for helping me become a better advisor for my clients and I will highly recommend this program to my associates.”

Mutual of Omaha

“The instruction is very well done. The course material is comprehensive but easy to understand, and the support is fantastic.”

from Florida

“I thought the program itself was very well organized and the instructor-led sessions were invaluable. All of the instructors provided additional information and personal insights in a manner that was interesting and helpful.”

David S.

“I really enjoyed the program and have learned a lot. I really appreciated being able to download the lectures and other material at any time. The course was very accessible to those of us with weird schedules. I’d recommend the program to anyone.”

Pia D.

“I can’t say enough good about your CFP® Education Program!!! You guys are great. I have had a wonderful experience with this program both in content and support.”

Kathy H.

Disclaimer: Quotes above are from real students. Images are stock photos. 

Why Choose Us?

North Carolina State University is one of the premier schools in the country, so students can be sure they are receiving the best educational experience possible.

The North Carolina State University Online CFP® Certification Education Program, delivered through the office of Professional Development, is designed to help you generate revenue and build your practice while getting your CFP® certification.

The industry continues to become more competitive, and investing in your personal career will yield benefits. The industry standard for Wealth Management & Financial Planning is the CFP® certification.

Our program is taught by CFP® professionals with a long history of success. It was developed by practicing professionals for practicing professionals.


Top 10 Things that Differentiate Us

Personal Advisor

With any program, a chief concern is going to be the thought of being on your own. That could not be further from the truth with this program. Each and every student in this program is assigned a personal advisor, at no added cost, with whom they will have access throughout the length of their coursework.

Mobile Capability

As you evaluate CFP® certification education programs, it is important to consider mobility options that give you the freedom to study away from the computer. Included in the standard tuition cost, students can study away from the computer via PDF downloads for printing plus mobile downloads for lessons and instructor-led sessions.

21 Months of Access

Most of our students will complete the program in 10-12 months, but sometimes life intervenes and throws our plans off track. For that purpose, students are given 21 months of access to this program. That’s twice the access period of some of our competitors, greatly reducing the possibility that you would need to contact us for an extension before your deadline is up.

24-Hour Access

Who has a structured life with defined blocks of free time anymore? This program is accessible at any time, day or night, 365 days per year, so that it always fits your schedule. That means you can complete the program at times that work best for you and spend whatever time you want on each and every page. You can pace yourself through the program, slowing down to spend time on topics you need more work on and speeding up in other areas where you don’t need as much work.

Study Guides

In addition to every lesson available as a PDF, we have created study guides for each of these lessons (excluding the Calculator Courses). These printable study guides are tailored to the lesson, providing you a place to take and organize your notes and to use as you study for both our exams and the CFP® exam.

Engaging Content

With an endeavor this size, it’s vital that the content is engaging. If it’s not, it becomes very easy to lose interest in it and get off track. Greene Consulting, our partner in the development and delivery of this program, has been doing online knowledge-based training in financial services since 1999, so you can be absolutely sure that they know how to make online learning engaging and effective. Our program is a truly interactive online learning experience.

CFP Board-Released Exam Questions

We have placed CFP Board-released exam questions throughout the coursework to provide context to what you are learning and to help show what you can expect when you take the CFP® exam.

Printable Lessons

We understand that you can’t or won’t be tied to the computer, and it’s not a true 24/7 accessible program if you are required to be online to access the material. Each and every one of our lessons can be downloaded as a PDF and printed out. This allows you to print out lessons to go through when you’re traveling, in the doctor’s office waiting room, or just wanting to read through the lesson without going online. No other online program offers the same flexibility.

Customer Service

Our students are not simply just a name or number. We will never take your participation in our program for granted and will do anything we can to make your experience in this program the best it can possibly be.

Focused Learning

The CFP Board lists 72 topics that must be covered in an educational program. Those 72 topics are high level topics, which means there could be hundreds of subsets to them. This makes it very easy for any program to lose focus and cover needless bits of information. That doesn’t happen in this program. We focus the learning to ensure you aren’t spending time on anything other than what you need to know.

Practice Management - Our Distinct Advantage

A distinct advantage of this program is the partnership of the two entities involved. With North Carolina State University, you have one of the premier educational institutions in the United States, which means you can be certain of the quality of the content. With Greene Consulting, you have a leader for over 30 years in the financial services consulting industry. This provides students the opportunity to not only prepare for the CFP Board exam but to also learn valuable skills that can be applied to their real-world interactions with clients.

Every CFP Board certified program will claim they provide the best educational experience possible, but this is the ONLY PROGRAM that can go beyond the Board exam and teach you the skills you need to be a better, more productive advisor.

A distinguishing feature of the North Carolina State University's Office of Professional Development – Greene Consulting partnership is the ability to go beyond what you need to know for the CFP Board exam to what you need to know when you are face-to-face with clients. To help our students bridge that gap, included in every enrollment is access to our Practice Management Resources, which is divided into two sections – Practical Application and Skill Enhancement.

Practical Application

The Practical Application curriculum is designed to interface with the Financial Planning Certification curriculum, providing the conversational competence to better address client needs and increase production. It is a series of 6 lessons, with one dedicated to each of the major topic areas (Fundamentals, Insurance, Investments, Income Tax, Retirement, and Estate).


Skill Enhancement

The Skill Enhancement section is a series of two-to-three minute videos focusing on key components of the planning process with clients. These best practice recordings help advisors enhance and refine their sales and service skills in topics such as:

  • Traps to Avoid with Potential Clients
  • Simplifying the Presentation of the Financial Plan
  • Attaining Need Awareness by the Client

Ready to enroll in our CFP Certification Program?

We have several tuition options available. Click the enroll button to learn more.


CFP® and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ are certification marks owned by Certified Financial Board of Standards Inc. These marks are awarded to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.